These are the most frequently asked questions. Please, read them before contacting us. If you can’t find the answer here, feel free to email us at [email protected]!

This is the site where you can get them for the lowest price. We offer them on other sales portals that group together many designers but they take a big cut of the final price. Here is the place to get them for the best price and you support us directly so that we can make more models in the future.

Because of the character of the purchase we can not offer to return your money if you decide that you don't want the model anymore. If the model you received does not look as on the images that we provide or it will not print and we will not be able to fix it, we will give you your money back.

We don’t mind that as long as you use your own photos and link to the product page on our website where people can buy the digital files.

Unfortunately not. We may take a larger commission where we create the digital files, print them, and post-process them, but only for local customers from Prague and only for large-scale projects. Our main field remains to create only digital 3D printable files.

The height, lenght and width is always written in the model's description. For cosplay props and wearable objects, you can use this sizing chart:

All our 3D models are created to fit an average-sized human body. You can adjust the size before printing in programs such as Meshmixer, 3D builder, Prusaslicer, and so on. Head to our Tutorial section for more tips.

All our 3D models are cut in parts to fit 200x200mm printing beds. We also provide the uncut OBJ in case you have a larger printer or prefer to cut it yourself.