X-wing Gingerbread using 3D printed cutters

Instructions for making a gingerbread X-wing Starfighter from Star Wars
- gingerbread dough
- royal icing
- Paper cutout template / 3D printed cookie cutter
- baking paper
- a couple pins
- oven 160°C (320°F)
- knife
Step 1: Gingerbread Dough
You can either find a finished dough in you local shop or make it yourself. In the second case, you’ll need:
- 40g butter
- 175g honey
- 200-250 flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon grated orange peels
Bring the butter and honey to a boil in a pot and let it lightly bubble for about two minutes and then let it cool down.
When it cool mix all of the ingredients together well. Let the dough rest in the fridge for a couple hours.
You will have dough for more than just the X-wing from which you can make some cookies. We’ll use about 1/2 of it.
Bake at 160°C (320°F) for 10 minutes.
Step 2: Royal Icing
To decorate your X-wing Gingerbread with the icing, you will need:
- 1 egg white
- 150 g fine sugar
- optionally a few drops of lemon
- for colouring cocoa power and red food colouring
(you can make double the amount just to be sure but it should be enough with just one egg white)
- mix the egg white with the sugar and lemon and whisk it until it becomes quite stiff
- separate it into thee bowls
- keep one mixture white and color one red (for effect) and one brown (for less visible joints)
Step 3: Rolling the Dough
After letting it rest take the dough from the fridge and roll in into 6 pieces 20×20 cm squares 3mm thick. You can use the 3D printed guide or just measure it.
Step 4: Cutting Out the Parts
- print out these stl cookie cutters files
- cut out the body set cookie cutter once from each side and the wings set twice from each side (flip them over to get a mirrored image)
- all the parts should fit on two baking trays
It’s good to cut it straight away on the backing tray with the baking paper so the parts don’t get distorted when transferring it. When you have everything cut out bake it at 160°C (320°F) for 10 minutes. The small pieces did get a bit burnt so keep an eye on them and maybe take them out sooner than the others. Let them cool down before manipulating with them so they keep their shape. If they deform in the oven then a good time to adjust them is before they cool down.
You can use the rest of the dough to cut any shapes you like.
Step 5: Gluing the Wings
Glue the parts together with the royal icing. Start by assembling the small parts together and later glue the groups of parts together. Let the icing dry after each session.
Tip: you can help yourself with pins while it’s drying
Step 6: Gluing the Body and Finishing
- Start with gluing the inner parts of the body and keep adding layers.
- Add some finishing touches with the red icing or decorate it as you like.
- Attach the wings to the body
Good luck and don forget to share your photos with us! Here’s our social media links!
Step 7: Last Tip
If you don’t have patience you can use a hot glue gun haha!
If you’ve made it this far you deserve to display your achievement so here’s a link to a stand that you can 3D print!
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