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DnD Terrain Rollers – Scifi

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  • Digital 3D printable models of texture rollers for creating miniature terrains.
  • Data ready for easy 3D printing (STL)
    •  10 unique rollers with futuristic and sci-fi textures


3D printable model


These digital 3D printable models of Stamp Rollers are meant to be used to create patterns of various ground terrains for Dungeon and Dragons! They can be used on modeling putty, clay, or XPS polystyrene. The rollers are 15 cm high and the length of the pattern is 10 cm (6×4 squares, each 2.5 cm).

The download contains 10 original texture rollers (STL) ready to be 3D printed. More DnD rollers with a discount? Here!

The rollers are designed to perform the best when printed on SLA printers, but you can print them on FDM as well.
If you decide to print on FDM, use these settings:
– Layer height 0.1 mm
– Infill 0%
– Retractions: off

Printing settings will vary greatly depending on your specific printer.

At 100% scale, the large roller’s dimensions are approximately:
Width  30 mm
Length  30 mm
Height  150 mm
You can scale the model as you wish, but we can’t guarantee that the model will print well at a much smaller size.

Commercial license:
Please, check our Printables club for commercial tier.

Do you like the model and don’t have a 3D printer? You can purchase the already printed rollers at RPG Forge studio.

These models were brought to life by 3Demon. We are a group of modeling and 3D printing enthusiasts based in Prague, Czech Republic. We’ve been making 3D printable models for more than a decade. We make a lot of cosplay accessories but we also make all sorts of interesting 3D models. You can join our community or just look at more of our creations here:

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